Dyer Straights
Dyer Straights was found by a good Samaritan who contacted West Tennessee Animal Rescue for help. WTAR rescued him and brought him to Camden Animal Clinic. He was treated by Dr. Elizabeth Belyew and her staff. Watch the video to see him tell his incredible story.
Shiloh recently suffered from a sudden serious attack of pancreatitis with subsequent kidney problems. He was treated in Camden Animal Clinic’s intensive care area for a few days and then improved to the point that he could be treated as an outpatient. Shiloh is now100% recovered. Below is an e-mail that Shiloh’s dad sent Dr. Elizabeth soon after he went home.
“Shiloh is not at 100% yet but you and your staff made sure that he got the best care possible. He has come a long way towards recovery, and I thank you for that. I consider you and your staff not only professionals but friends.”
Daisy is an unlucky escape artist. She had the misfortune to get hit by a car and suffer a broken femur on one of her escapades. Daisy’s mom brought her to Camden Animal Clinic, and Dr. Elizabeth repaired her leg. This is the letter Daisy sent soon after being discharged from the hospital.
“Thanks for your hospitality. It was warm and wonderful just like you. Thank you for taking such good care of me during my recent hospital stay. You’re the best!”
Crickett’s mom and dad sent this note to Dr. Elizabeth a few days after she had surgery at Camden Animal Clinic
“My husband and I would like to say thanks for a ‘job well done’. We want to thank you for your professionalism, but we also want to say thanks for your kind and caring attitude every time we are in your office. You and your staff are a credit to your profession and having your practice in Camden near our lake home is a blessing for us.”
Butch sent this card after being hospitalized at Camden Animal Clinic for a back problem.
“Hey there! I’m home all safe and sound. I don’t much like being cooped up in this cage because I’m a lot bored. So, I thought I would pass the time and drop you a line. I really just wanted to write and say thank you for being so good to me during my stay at the animal hospital. My mom says you sure helped ease her mind and heart too. It’s easy to tell when someone cares about you and has a lot of love to give.”
Tango was treated for a severe intestinal problem. This is a note Tango’s mom wrote this after Tango fully recovered.
“I could not leave town without dropping you a note to tell you how much I appreciate the care and concern that you and your entire staff extended during Tango’s recent illness. You went far beyond what we have all come to expect from a veterinarian, and I appreciate your outstanding professional service. If dogs could talk, I am sure Tango would say “Thank You”.
Sam was very sick and hospitalized at Camden Animal Clinic. Below are notes from Sam and Sam’s mom.
“I just wanted to thank you for everything you did for me when I was so very sick last week. Everyone told me how much they loved me and what a good-looking dog I was (am). I got lots of kisses too!!! Thank you again for making me feel better and I’ll love you guys forever.” Sam
“I just wanted to let you all know how much it means to me that you helped Sam pull through this terrible sickness he had. He means the world to me (and my old man) and I don’t know what I would have done had I lost him. Dr. Elizabeth YOU ROCK! You’ve helped me through Scarlett, Kitty, Thomas, Simba, Cosmo, and more so you know how much my animals mean to me. And Dr. Patterson (Killen) you’re great too. Thanks to all the staff too. Everyone was great the way Sam told me” Sam’s mom.
As you will see from Tiny’s letter, we treated him at Camden Animal Clinic for many problems over the years.
“To whom it may concern: My name is Tiny. I’m a short, non-descript tan mutt about 9 years old. I’m writing, with the help of my human, to nominate Elizabeth Belyew as your Veterinarian of the Year. Since I had the good fortune to be saved by my human, Dr. Elizabeth has treated me for snakebite, heartworm, a broken leg, and her most heroic act, saving my life after an attack last spring by two Rottweilers and a German Shepherd. She had to perform surgery to close my entire belly. I spent a couple of days at the clinic, then went home where I had to stay INDOORS with CATS! After a couple of days, my human noticed that I was oozing nasty brown stuff, so back to the hospital where Dr. Elizabeth said I had developed necrosis and my stitches were disappearing, opening my belly again. Well, she sewed me up, kept me a couple of days, and put a stupid collar on me so I couldn’t reach the stitches. Then I went home to be inside with cats rather than be outside with my brother and sister dogs. Two days later my bell started oozing again. Dr. Elizabeth sat down on the floor in the lobby, took me in her arms, and asked my human to please give me to her and she would do whatever it took to get me well. After a week of much love and care from the entire staff of the clinic, my human took me home. Obviously, Dr. Elizabeth kept her promise to save my life, or I wouldn’t be writing this letter. She is truly loving, caring, and skillful (even with CATS) and she deserves to be Veterinarian of the Year, maybe even of the decade. Thank you for reading this. Sincerely, Tin Wilson (with help from my human)
Toby suffered from severe diabetes and necrotizing pancreatitis. After a heroic fight of 2 1/2 years, Toby went to the Rainbow Bridge. Toby was concerned for us and his mom and dad at this time and sent these letters to us from the Rainbow Bridge.
The card said “Adios – that’s Spanish for: Sure, go ahead and leave your friends, the only people who really care about you, FINE, JUST TAKE OFF!” Then Toby wrote in the card “Thank you all for the caring and compassionate care given me over the years. Now I can rest with no more pain and you can be at peace knowing you did everything you could do to help me. Love you all, grumpy but lovable, Toby”
Then for the letter:
“Dear Dr. Elizabeth & Staff,
This is Toby. If I could talk this is what I would say. I am sorry for having a big boy attitude when I was trying to show you that I like you. Dr. P, seeing I’m not there anymore would you and the staff kinda keep an eye on my mom. I love her and kinda watch Rudy. Make sure he gets his shots, and take care of him if he is sick. Now, this is the hard one. Please watch my dad, my best friend. I know his heart is heavy right now because I had to leave and go home. I miss him and love my daddy so much. He was the BEST DAD. He is lonely and sad with me not there. Ok, could you all please do this for me? Thanks, guys. Dr. P don’t you be sad for me. You did everything right. I just could not fight no more. It was too much. But I am in no pain now and I feel better. So, I want all of my family, that includes you and your staff, to stop feeling sad and laugh at the funny things I did. Ok? I miss all of you, Your Babe Toby – Could I have a McD Cheeseburger? – 2, please!